Saturday, January 14, 2012

Welcome to our Blog!

Well folks, welcome to our Blog. It seems that the people who set the "industry standards" for HOAs are following developments in our little Community Association very closely.

We were recently copied on this little gem:

To: Mr. Wrathbone, CAI National HQ
From: Rebecca, PCAM of Sunnybrook Farm HOA

Jeepers, Mr. Wrathbone, those pesky homeowners in Lake Braddock don't exactly seem to be signing up for the amendments to the Declaration in anything like the numbers we're going to need! I think they may need some help from you folks, since you set the Industry Standard for changes to Governing Documents.

As you know, the HOA Board told the owners that the "reserved" townhouse parking spaces weren't really "reserved" any more and that they'd need 'em to vote for an amendment to the Declaration if they wanted their spaces back. That sure got the owners spun up. But after the HOA spent all that money drafting and "marketing" the amendment, it's just kind of sitting out there without the landslide of signatures the Board expected.

Seems there are a couple of things going on here: Instead of just signing where the Board told 'em to sign, Homeowners are READING what the Board sent out. As you know, that's usually a bad sign. And some of the pesky Homeowners have started to put out fliers explaining the RIGHTS that owners would GIVE UP if they vote for the amendment! Even worse, in the fliers they've told the owners how to link to the transcript of that disaster of a court hearing on the internet! You know, I don't think that even the Board members read that transcript....

What if the owners start telling the Board to draft a much simpler amendment that just restores parking spaces as "rights" and then STOPS? How will the HOA be able to "fine" people and suspend their "privilege" to park?

I still think the HOA should have taken my advice and drafted an amendment with the simple "rule" that ALL UNIT OWNERS MUST HAVE A GOOD ATTITUDE." And if they don't, well the HOA can just "fine" 'em and foreclose nonjudicially to collect the "fine." That sure works swell here in Sunnybrook Farms HOA.

Rebecca, PCAM of Sunnybrook Farms HOA

1 comment:

  1. I just discovered this blog, and I'm so glad to find it! I finally went to the LBCA office a few of weeks ago with my husband, and we voted NO!!!! on all three amendments. It looks like they're stuck at about 33% of homeowners voting. I thought they'd have given up by now, but the manager was expressing optimism to another homeowner that the amendments will pass. At the current rate, that should be by about 2014.
